Visiting Hours: What a Dream About Jail Reveals About Family and Freedom

According to Chat GPT

Jamie Hairston
5 min readJun 24, 2024

I have the most random dreams, so I decided to let Chat GPT analyze them when they happened. I did this a while back, and Chat GPT was impressively on point about most things.

So here is this dream:

I had a dream that I was going on a visit to see my son in jail (he is actually in jail), and I was with my mom. She hugged him, and we got yelled at by the guards, “No touching.” I was embarrassed because I knew the rules. We visited with him for some time, and my mom broke down crying. When we got done, we walked him to a train (regular ass freight train), and he went and secured himself to the train car to be shuffled back to his dorm. My mom told him we were going to see his dad next, who is in federal prison, and he should go with us. He was like, “I can’t,” so we hopped on the next train to the federal prison.

When we arrived, it was nothing like other prisons I had been to. We had difficulty finding his dad, whom we will call L. Everyone kept pointing and telling us he was somewhere else. We finally found him, and he was like Oh if I had known you were coming, I would have hauled butt back here sooner. I was getting chow. I looked down, and he had a regular bowl, but it was filled with spaghettio’s like soup with some other random stuff in it. I decided to stick both of my hands in the soup and mix it while he watched. Then, a guard yelled at me for touching his food. So I stopped.

Photo by Pixabay via Pexels

We sat and talked with him and some of his cellmates, but they lived in a more house-style place instead of a prison-like environment. The whole area was still locked down like a prison; it was just different. Somehow during the visit, I noticed my mom had left and so had L so i was just sitting talking to random inmates. I decided to leave, but I wanted to leave him a note, so I covertly wrote a quick note and passed it to one of his cellies (inmate roommate).

I started trying to find my way back to the train depot. I looked down and realized I only had one sandal on, but it was getting dark, so I just wanted to get out of there. As I was making my way out, one of the guards asked to scan my ID card. I knew I wasn’t supposed to be visiting because I hadn’;t fixed my name on the visitor sheet so I was like I don’t think I brought it and started rooting around in my purse. He told me to step aside while I looked for it. I brought it out, and he scanned it, and I was able to leave. Then I woke up.

Chat GPT Analysis and My Thoughts:

Analyzing your dream involves exploring the symbols, emotions, and situations that appear in it. Here are some interpretations that might help you understand the themes and feelings your dream might be reflecting:

Visiting the Jail: Dreaming about visiting someone in jail, especially a loved one, often symbolizes guilt, helplessness, or worry about that person. Given that your son is actually in jail, this dream could be reflecting your real-life concerns and emotions about his situation.

This is all true.

Family Dynamics: The presence of your mother and the reference to visiting your son’s father suggest that family relationships and their complexities are a significant theme in the dream. Your mother’s emotional breakdown could indicate your shared emotional burden about your family’s circumstances.

That is most likely true.

Rules and Restrictions: The repeated theme of being reprimanded by the guards (“no touching,” not allowed to touch the food) could symbolize feelings of powerlessness and frustration with the strict rules or limitations in your waking life, perhaps related to your son’s incarceration or other aspects of your life where you feel restricted.

I feel completely out of control of this situation despite knowing I have done everything possible.

Unfamiliar Environments: Unusual settings, such as a freight train for prisoner transport and a more house-like prison environment, might symbolize your journey through unfamiliar and challenging emotional or life situations. They may also reflect your feelings of navigating unknown or unexpected challenges.

That is true, and I think it is about feeling uncomfortable with the unknown.

Abandonment and Isolation: The sensation of being left alone in the dream by your mother and L could reflect fears of isolation, abandonment, or having to deal with difficult situations alone.

I hate how much this is true. Myself and my son both struggle with abandonment issues.

Loss and Searching: Losing a sandal and searching for your ID card can symbolize a sense of incompleteness or a search for identity or clarity in a chaotic or out-of-control situation.

I am unsure about this one, but it is probably true.

Leaving a Note and Trying to Leave: Writing a note to leave for L suggests a desire to communicate or leave a part of yourself behind in a situation where direct communication might be difficult. Trying to find your way back and dealing with obstacles may represent your efforts to find a resolution or way out of a difficult emotional state or situation.


Overall, this dream seems to reflect a range of emotions and concerns related to family, particularly the incarceration of your son and his father and your navigation of the emotional and bureaucratic complexities that come with it.

I think this final statement is a great analysis of how I feel right now, and I am oddly impressed at its accuracy, considering the AI has no other real knowledge of me or my life.

What are your thoughts or opinions on this?

AI was used for the dream analysis discussed here.



Jamie Hairston
Jamie Hairston

Written by Jamie Hairston

Jamie is a former addiction counselor who now writes fiction about substance abuse and mental health issues.

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