Member-only story
Unshackled Words: Bridging the Divide Between Addiction Stigma and Empathy Through Storytelling
Before my own battle with addiction, I might have looked at a person with an addiction and asked, “Why can’t you just stop?” But I now know it’s akin to asking someone with a broken leg why they can’t just run. The journey into addiction is often silent, a slow fade obscured by the haze of trauma and pain, until one day, you find yourself in chains you don’t remember putting on.
In sharing my tales through the lens of fiction, I peel back the curtain on this very personal struggle. My characters are composites of real emotions, the silent screams, and the whispers of hope I have experienced. They are not just figments of creativity but birthed from the very essence of a reality many dare not acknowledge.
The stigmatization of addiction is a thunderous cloud that looms over society. It’s a label that sticks like a shadow, following the afflicted, whispering judgment and disdain. But by casting light through my words, I hope to dispel these shadows. Stigma breeds shame and shame festers in silence. By breaking that silence, my goal is to forge a path of understanding and empathy that could lead someone to reach out for the help they so desperately need.
Addiction is not a solitary journey, nor should recovery be. With each story I pen, I aim to weave a thread of connection, a lifeline for someone who might be on the brink of giving up. If my words can be that lifeline, then every struggle I’ve endured…