The Power of Routine: Simple Habits That Transform My Day with ADHD

Jamie Hairston
4 min readSep 3, 2024

Are you ever stuck in a never-ending hamster wheel, desperately trying to establish normalcy and routine? I know I do. The constant battle with routine, time management, and productivity is a shared struggle. It’s not just me, right? We’re all in this together, trying to conquer our simple to-do lists.

Building a solid daily routine for productivity is a journey, not a sprint. I’ve learned that trying to change everything at once can be overwhelming. Instead, I’ve adopted a gradual approach, making small changes and incorporating them as I get used to them. It’s a process, but it’s manageable and can lead to significant improvements.

As an adult navigating the challenges of ADHD without medication, I’ve discovered a few strategies to boost productivity. While I’m not yet at my desired level of productivity, I’m making progress. And I want you to know you’re not alone in this journey.

I got to a point where the medication plateaued, and I felt like it was doing nothing; since overall change requires behavioral change as well, I may as well try and focus on that a little bit now.

I have come up with a few things that help. I have ideas for more, but this is what I have so far.

These may sound simple, mundane, and even stupid to the average person, but for me, they are a big deal, and missing one of these steps can…



Jamie Hairston

Jamie is a former addiction counselor who now writes fiction about substance abuse and mental health issues.