Member-only story
Embracing Imperfection: Staying Productive as a Writer
Have you ever found yourself wandering through the Mountains of Distraction only to take a sharp right into Napland?
I certainly have! There was a time when I would beat myself up for not being on my game 24/7. If I wasn’t churning and burning toward my goals, I felt like a failure of epic proportions. I still struggle with this, but I am working toward doing better and accepting that sometimes, not everything can be accomplished in a day. I don’t feel on top of things because life has been crazy. Still, I am working to stay focused and perform tasks to the best of my ability every day. Some days are better than others.
It took me a long time to realize that it is entirely okay not to be on top of things all the time.
Negative self-talk is incredibly toxic and accomplishes nothing. So, let’s ditch that harmful habit together!
It’s perfectly normal not to be 100% all the time. We’re only human, after all. Some days, you might only have 75% to give… or even just 10%. And that’s okay. Give yourself grace, and remember that a few off days do not define your worth or your abilities. They mean you might be tired, creatively zonked, or not feeling it.